Best Dance Film Award
Dancing Trails: Dream on the move-directed by Amelia Rosa
“Dance of the souls: A Journey through time”-directed by Alexander Grin Wood
“Dance of light and Shadow: The City”-directed by Lily Chang
Dancer's voice: unfinished business-directed by Max Wilson
Best Dance Short Film
“Moments forever: Dancing Moments”-directed by Sophia Lee
Microcosm: The Dance of particles-directed by Aydın Taylor
Memento: Echoes of dance-directed by Allison Parker
Dance on the Edge: A story on a street corner-directed by Noah King
Best Documentary Dance Film
“Dancer's Day: Behind the scenes”-directed by Leah Johnson
“The dance of tradition: Inheritance and change”-directed by George Chan
“The global stage: Dance Without Borders”-directed by Emily Young
Traces of time: the memory of an old dancer-directed by Philip of Swabia Wong
Best Animated Dance Award
Dreamwalk: Digital Wonderland-director and animator: Ira Davis
“Dance of colors: the melody of emotions”-director and animator: Matthew Lee
Heart of machine: iron dancer-director and animator: Katarina Maurice
“Star Trek: A Cosmic Dance”-director and Animator: Oliver Chang
Best Director
Amelia rosa-“Dancing Trails: Dreams set sail”
Alexander Grin wood-“Dance of the Soul: A Journey through time and space”
George Chan-“Traditional dance: inheritance and change”
Ella Davis-“Dream Dance Steps: Digital Wonderland”
Best Original Choreography
Allison Parker-“Memento: Echoes of dance steps”
Sophia Lee-“Moments forever: dancing moments”
Matthew lee-dance of colors: the melody of emotion
Noah king-dance on the Edge: the story of a street corner
Best Choreography
Photograph by Alys English surname, my shot
Photographer: Kevin Liu-“Dancing Trails: Dreams set sail”
Photograph by Eva Garcia, dance of traditions: Heritage and change
Photographer: Sam harvey-dance of the souls: across time and space
Best Editing
Editor: Leah Johnson-“Dancer's Day: Behind the scenes”
Editor: Alex Parker-“Dance of light and Shadow: urban chapters”
Editor: Émi Chan-“Dancing trails: Dreams set sail”
Editor: Danyll Chang-“Star Trek: A Cosmic Dance”
Best Musical Score
Allison Guerin-“Dance of the Soul: across time and space”
Composer: Mark Williams-“Dancing trails:
Composer: Queen Sofía of Spain Lee-“Dance of light and Shadow: The City”
Composer: Oliver HMS Roberts-“Dreamy dance steps: Digital Wonderland”
Best Sound Design Award
Sound Design: Aydın Wilson-“Memento: Echoes of dance steps”
Sound design: George Taylor-“The global stage: Dance Without Borders”
Sound design: Lily Chang-“Dancers' voices: Unfinished Business”
Sound design: Emily Lau-“Star Trek: A Cosmic Dance”
Best Dance Performance
Dancer: Amelia Rosa-“Dancing Trails: Dreams set sail”
Dancer: Alexander Grin Wood-“Dance of the soul: across time and space”
Dancer: Sophia Lee-“Moments forever: dancing moments”
Dancer: Katerina Maurice-“Mechanical Heart: the Iron Dancer”
Best New Dance film director
Noah king-dance on the Edge: the story of a street corner
Ella Davis-“Dream Dance Steps: Digital Wonderland”
Philip Wong-“Time imprints: the memory of an old dancer”
Aydın Taylor-microcosm: The Dance of particles